Orientation Checklist
1. Activate your FSU identity.
You will need your FSUID for your coursework. You should have received an email with details about how to activate your FSUID and set up your password. An activation guide can be found at https://dsst.fsu.edu/nsfp/resources/activate-your-fsuid .
2. Attend virtual orientation August 22, 2022 at 3pm.
Please click here for a recording of the orientation presentation. Reach out via email if you have additional questions.
Our program is unique here at FSU and we are experiencing our own growing pains as we open these new course sections. You will receive reminder email before registration closes.
3. Register for classes.
We recommend you register after orientation, where you will receive additional information. Non-degree registration opens Friday, August 19, 2022 and closes August 25, 2022. You only register for fall classes at this time.
GMS 6001-Section 3: Special Topics: Biomedical Entrepreneurship Fundamentals I. You should manually update the number of credit hours to 2. GMS6001-03 (Class 3788), Instructor Ronald Frazier.
This is a 6-week remote asynchronous course Sept 13- Oct 20, 2022 on Tuesdays and Thursdays for 2 hrs each. Video materials, readings, and discussions are accessed via Canvas.
GMS 6001-Section 4: Special Topics: Biomedical Entrepreneurship Fundamentals II. You should manually update the number of credit hours to 2. GMS6001-04 (Class 3789) Instructors Lanny Lewis and Dr. Emily Pritchard
This is a 6-week remote asynchronous course which is held Oct 25- Dec 1, 2022. This class will be Tuesday and Thursday for 2 hrs each. Video materials, readings, and discussions are accessed via Canvas.
How to search for classes on Student Central: https://sc.my.fsu.edu/staff/how/search-classes
You will receive reminders later this fall with more specifics about spring registration.
4. Log into Canvas.
Courses are delivered online at https://canvas.fsu.edu/. You can also navigate to Canvas from the myFSU portal.
You can customize your notifications for Canvas for email or SMS. For more information, see: https://support.canvas.fsu.edu/kb/article/923-canvas-notification-settings-guide/
5. Tuition and fees.
If you have been notified about scholarships, this covers your tuition. It will not show on your account until after you register for classes, as it will be manually applied. You may continue to receive automatic reminders from student business services if this process is not yet complete.
You are responsible for fees, which may vary according to how many credit hours you are enrolled in the current semester. You can see this information at Student Central under “My Bill.” For more information, please see https://studentbusiness.fsu.edu/tuition-fees and https://studentbusiness.fsu.edu/student-accounts .
The University is required to report eligible tuition payment and scholarship and grant disbursements to the IRS each tax year on Form 1098-T. Students will receive a copy of this form by January 31st each year, which can be used to help them determine whether or not they qualify for certain educational tax credits.
While the University is required to report this information to the IRS, it does not engage in tax advice or opinion. FSU will not provide you with information about the taxability of your scholarships and grants, and cannot advise you on the use of the 1098-T in your annual tax filing. You should consult a tax professional or your accountant for more information about the taxability of your educational awards.
For more information: https://studentbusiness.fsu.edu/tuition-fees/taxes
6. Need help?
Email Emily Pritchard at Emily.pritchard@med.fsu.edu .
We’re glad you’re here.
This is a dynamic group of physicians, scientists, and public health professionals who want to innovate and create impact in their field. Welcome!